
What is Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring (DCIM)?

By October 21, 2019 November 10th, 2019 No Comments

What is Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring (DCIM)?

The Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring or Management (DCIM) system is about the methods of controlling, management and monitoring the data center and server rooms. The DCIM process enables the data center managers and authorities to control some critical factors like temperature, humidity, ventilation, power failure or sudden change in the electrical voltage and prevent from any damages to the server rooms and its equipment. Any damage to the data center infrastructure and equipment will encounter businesses with numoros problems and generate extravagant costs for companies. The enterprises are enthusiastically looking for a solution to address their need and lead them to provide more security and safety for server rooms.

What is the best solution for server rooms?

There are abundant tools that empower the staffs of server rooms to control all precarious situation and harmful factors in the data center efficiently and accurately. The IoT based Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring system is a crucial solution for companies and data center staffs to monitor and control the harmful factors that create negative impacts on the server room function. This smart solution efficiently accelerates the controlling process and rapid response to emergency situations. Also, it can improve the performance of the server room’s staffs in the fast detection and response to the failure of the BCMs, UPSs, generators, HVACs, switchgear, ATSs, continuous controlling of the airflow, the system temperature and the level of humidity in the data center. This feature assists the companies to improve the performance’s of the servers, reduce the maintenance costs and enhance the safety.

The foundation of modern servers

The computers and smart processors as we know them today and form the base of the modern server rooms and data centers begun in the 19th century. The first computer designed in the 19th century by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry for the military that could calculate simple mathematic questions and were single task based on the defined formulas. The first generation of computers was extremely large and could do simple and easy calculations that made them unsuitable for industries and companies. According to the reports, the first computer weight was approximately 30.000 kilograms and used more than 18.000 vacuum tubes as processors. The second generation of the processors and computers developed between 1937-1946, and for improving the process replaced vacuum tubes with transistors that were more reliable and faster in performance than vacuum tubes. The first computer for commercial use introduced to the world in 1951, and in 1953 the IBM company by earned reputation in the electronic’s industry by producing 650-700 computers to market.

From the second generation of computers to modern server rooms

The second generation of computers had storage media, printer, memory, and operating system. The next generation of computers developed from 1963 and still are improving and equipped with smart technologies that facilitate solving the complex problems by some simple clicks on the keyboards. With the invention of the smart circuit in 1980, the evolution occurred in computer designation and performance. These circuit made computers smaller, smarter and faster than before and enabled them to handle multi-tasks accurately and rapidly. This was the emergence of server rooms, and data centers that equipped with numerous smart computers could analyze millions of terabytes of information just in few minutes. By developing the data centers and server rooms, some individuals employed for protecting, repairing, configuring and monitoring these centers. And sometimes the human errors had facing companies and managers with irreparable damages and extravagent costs. The IoT based Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring solution enables authorities to improve the performance of the staffs in the data center as well as reducing the maintenance and monitoring costs.

How the IoT based Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring solution addresses the company’s concerns?

One of the biggest concerns of the companies that are active in the technology industry is guaranteeing the safety of the server rooms and data centers. Because any level of damage to the data center equipment and infrastructures, will put companies in the predicament situation and encounter them with numerous problems. A smart solution can bring peace of mind for managers and decrease the server room’s maintenance costs and damages. The IoT based Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring solution is a unique platform for improving the process of controlling and monitoring all factors that can, directly and indirectly, impacts on the server room’s equipment performances. The server room’s staffs are spending a lot of time and efforts for controlling all these factors, and sometimes they fail to control them.

The benefits of the IoT based Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring solution

The IoT based DCIM solution enables personnel of server rooms to improve their accuracy and performance in the process of control and monitoring. The smart and sensitive sensors of this intelligence platform would allow staffs to continually monitor all harmful factor with spending minimum efforts and time. The IoT based DCIM also reduce the rate of human errors and consequently minimize the maintenance costs, the risk of damage to infrastructure and improve the server room’s safety. This smart solution assists the server room’s staffs to recognize the problems as fast as possible and respond to them efficiently. This feature improves the performance of personnel in response to the emergencies and assists them in preventing any irreparable damages to the infrastructures.

The IoT based Public Lighting role in the smart cities development

Data centers play a vital role in all online activities in smart cities, and  any damage to these centers create abundant problems for privet and public sectors in the process of online communication, accessibility to online information and online services. For instance, Google servers are one of the biggest data centers in the world and provide different online services for users worldwide. There is no official report or evidence about the number of servers but according to the Gartner, Inc report in 2016, Google at the time had 2.5 million servers. Therefore, any unpredictable damage to these huge infrastructures, make trouble for all internet users all around the world.

For this reason, smart cities need an intelligent solution like the IoT based Data center Infrastructure Monitoring platform for protecting their essential equipment against any unpredictable occurrence.